The new version 3.7 is now available on iPad and Mac.

QuickPlan 3D version is available with copy plans from images or PDF

3D view becomes interactive to let you change walls and furniture colors and textures.
Terraces and exterior objects have been added to QuickPlan 3D

Tutorial – PDF

Complete Help

PDF help

Plans available:


Can be sent by e-mail

or in the Cloud

Plan Generation

Professional Quality

Many printing options

Ex: 300 or 600 DPI


Many users asked us how to share their projects with friends who didn’t buy QuickPlan 3D.
Now they can create an ArchiTouch 3D project and send it by e-mail in one operation.
ArchiTouch 3D can be downloaded for free on the App Store.

architouch 3D  Télécharger dans l'App Store

Design your plans quickly and easily

Try it and you will be very surprised!

Precise Dimension Adjustment

Deactivate the positioning guides